Two weeks ago, I volunteered for the Dine and Design event at the Phillip Johnson Glass House in New Canaan, Connecticut. I had always wanted to go and this seemed like a great opportunity. Well, it was even more amazing than I thought! It was a drizzly day and that made the area seem even more ethereal. Johnson and his partner had planned everything. It was so scenic and pastoral and interesting. How cool to have an underground painting gallery and a round pool and a pond with a small sculpture reminiscent of Lincoln Center. There are 14 buildings overall on the property which are all connected by paths. Because of the light rain, people would drift in and out of focus on the paths like a dream .And the Glass House has an amazing view over a valley, but then when you head down to the pond, there is just as an amazing view looking back up at the house. It is like a 3 dimensional art gallery, all thought out, and each piece planned as part of the whole. All I could think was this would be a great place to have a photo shoot with a family or friends. Any takers?