While on Nantucket this summer, we were introduced to a new beach, Steps Beach. You come out of this leafy passageway and look out over this diverse hillside with wooden pathways, sandy dunes and aquamarine water. I had taken a walk in the morning of our last day on island. I was thinking about swimming, but decided instead to just sit on the beach and watch life go by. Best decision ever. I had forgotten how much happens when I just stop and pay attention. A woman in a turquoise bathing suit and straw fedora came down to swim. She swam a long way out and then met up with another swimmer who she joined and they swam together. Do they do that every day? The seagulls were flying overhead along with a random helicopter, the ferry appeared and headed in past the jetty, a couple walked by me holding hands. The cloud formations were striking, one looking like a lady striding across the sky in a flowing dress. For a quiet beach, there was a lot going on.